Online Fundraising Agency

Discover the power of combining data with emotion to generate a winning online fundraising strategy 

Digital Marketing Agency for Nonprofits

Online Fundraising Planning

There are (at least) five P’s in every successful online fundraising Plan. We help you take care of all of them.

1. P is for… Performance

Start every plan by reviewing past and present performance data. What were the average conversion rate and donation values? what audience performed best? Did any acquisition channel outperform the rest? Dig deep looking for clues to help you formulate your new strategy.

2. P is for… Personas

Who will you be targeting  your campaign? You can define as many personas as you can think of, but make sure you clearly define your bullseye vs your secondary or terciary audiences. When creating the plan, always maximise resources on reaching your bullseye audience, and only move to the next once you are satisfied 

3. P is for… Proposition

The proposition is the final product you are asking your audience to invest in. There is nothing wrong with standard donations, but the more engaging and meaningful the proposition, the higher your success. Think of Oxfam selling a goat or 4Ocean’s bracelets made of recycled rubbish.

4. P is for… Place

Build the perfect destination, one that will convert the interest and love of your audience in cash. Technology plays a key role here not just to build, but to automatise processes for every possible scenario.

5. P is for… Path

Arguably the most important of the P’s, the Path describes the journey you are taking your potential donor on. Think of it as your fundraising funnel, from the channels you will use to attract your audience, to the journey thereafter to  retain and monetise.

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